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     Ioana Mariette


Forgiveness and Law of Attraction Life Coach

Intuitive Tarot Reader


Welcome to Manifesting Serenity. My name is Ioana Mariette and I am a certified Forgiveness and Law of Attraction life coach and also an intuitive tarot reader. I use my skills, knowledge and tools to help people understand themselves better and heal the past limiting patterns in order to allow their healing and success.


I help you balance your physical, emotional, energetical and spiritual self, so that you can achieve the blissful state of serenity and live a life with purpose and ease. When one rises, we all rise.


Throughout my life the tarot has been a great self help tool, but the biggest lesson that came through them, was that all the answers were already within me. This is what I aim for my clients, to help them discover their inner wisdom and trust themselves throughout the ups and downs of life. Together we cultivate their courage and unconditional love. We try to identify, integrate, release and heal their past emotional wounds so that they can allow their true self to shine through.

If you feel, it you heal it.
"When we heal ourselves, we heal the world." Mark Nepo quote

About the
"Manifest your wish" guidebook


"Manifest your wish Guidebook" is a Manifesting Serenity project. The free guidebook will assist you with easy practical steps of awareness and basic essential information about the manifesting process.


I aim to inspire you and help you stay focused while you are having fun creating your desired reality full of mental, emotional and material abundance. We learn from each other and together we expand and grow, so others can feel inspired to do so. 


We are all creators and the wand is in our hands, we just have to learn how to use it correctly and commit ourselves to self improvement and 

self awareness. We are what we give, not what we keep. We are what we leave behind. So if we give positive vibes to the world, then we are positive vibes that can change the world.


Become the change you've been waiting for.

Become who you were born to be.

Let LOVE be your energy.


The problem is not that you aren't enough, the problem is you aimed to low. Your spirit is calling you to aim higher because you are enough to achieve anything you put your heart, mind and soul into.


You are one with the Universe.
LOVE and all the blessings in the world!

The services I provide


Forgiveness coaching sessions:


1 session (1 hour and 30 minutes)  £120
4 sessions (1 hour and 30 minutes each) £440


1 session (1 hour and 30 minutes)  £120
4 sessions (1 hour and 30 minutes each) £440


Law of Attraction coaching sessions:


Allow your success coaching sessions:


1 session (1 hour and 30 minutes)  £120
4 sessions (1 hour and 30 minutes each) £440


Tarot energy reading:


1 session (40 minutes)  £60


1 session (40 minutes)  £60


Tarot general reading:


Tarot Full session reading:


1 session (90-100 minutes)  £120

FREE "Manifest your wish guidebook"

COMING SOON! Be the first to receive the guidebook in pdf.

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Universe, show me your magic!

I am open and receptive to all good!

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